APL expands Philippines feeder service

Friday, October 9, 2020

APL, the container unit of Singapore-based Neptune Orient Lines (NOL), has expanded its North Asia Philippines Express (NPX) feeder service to cover Central China and Manila, reported Manila Bulletin.

The service enhancements also include two weekly calls toManila from Kaohsiung for improved connectivity acrossAsia.

South China and Hong Kong markets are better served with direct calls to Manila, said APL. Enhanced connections also link Philippine markets with Central China and other Asian markets through calls in Kaohsiung.

Southeast Asian markets can connect at Kaohsiung with APL's intra-Asia services, Korea China Straits (KCS) and Japan Thailand Vietnam (JTV) services. North Asia cargo bound for the Philippines can connect to NPX using KCS and JTV services via Hong Kong.

APL will deploy three vessels, each with a capacity of 1,100 TEUs, on the route.

The port rotation for the NPX will be Ningbo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Chiwan, Kaohsiung,Manila, Cebu, Cagayan, Kaohsiung and Ningbo.

Meanwhile, APL, ANL and Hanjin Shipping have teamed up to offer a new weekly service covering Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

To be launched on September 1, the New Zealand-Asia Express (NAX) will operate through a vessel sharing agreement (VSA), with the three partners each contributing two container ships and allocating a combined capacity of up to 2,200 TEUs for every weekly sailing.

Rotating from Singapore, Port Klang, Brisbane, Sydney, Auckland, Tauranga, Brisbane and back to Singapore, the service includes: 

• Weekly calls and fast transits from New Zealand to major Southeast Asian ports via Port Klang and Singapore;

• Weekly calls and fast transits between New Zealand and Brisbane;

• Weekly calls from Southeast Asia to Brisbane and Sydney; 

• Connections through Southeast Asia for the Indian Subcontinent, Middle East and European destinations.

Cargonews Asia

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Very interesting tale http://qnimate.com/stmap_21snbbax.html?acular.vasotec.levitra.glycomet mylan metoprolol recall  The author forget to mention that creators of this piece of trash produce it under the protection of Democratic Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein, with help from Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. Grand Theft Auto brings much needed revenue to Californica where the Democratic Governor Jerry Brown needs more tax dollars (Dems call it revenue) to fund their spending programs. Thank you Democrats for destroying the future of America&#039;s youth with trash like GTA. If you agree with the moral decay brought about by the Democratic politicians who promote this sort of trash and you&#039;re a Democrat, why not change your political party tomorrow in protest!?! The best way to change these out-of-control Democrats who allow this sort of trash to be distributed to our children is to abandon the party AND start recall elections to replace the traitors with real Americans who are not elite career politicians like Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer and Brown.

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I'd like , please https://pemcincinnati.com/blog/stmap_39dwanrs.html?prothiaden.snovitra.viagra how long for benadryl to work for hives  Oh, and McAvoy&#8217;s comments also kept Reese Lansing and AWM out of a Judiciary Committee that was formulating SOPA. I would&#8217;ve loved to have heard more about that, but it doesn&#8217;t come as a surprise that AWM and Leona Lansing (Jane Fonda) were on the side of SOPA, although the crack at &#8220;the f***ing pajama people&#8221; was ALL Sorkin. (The ears of 47 TV critics perked up at that line. &#8220;F***king pajama people, huh? Yeah, well you wait until you read the review I&#8217;m going to write about your show on my blog tomorrow, Sorkin!&#8221;)

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6/16/2024 3:27 PM
Boost Your Website Traffic and Rankings with Our Xrumer and GSA Databases!


Do you want to experience the thrill and excitement of cricket betting with the chance to win big? Then we have an excellent offer just for you!

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6/23/2024 8:18 PM
Boost Your Website Traffic and Rankings with Our Xrumer and GSA Databases!


Do you want to experience the thrill and excitement of cricket betting with the chance to win big? Then we have an excellent offer just for you!

We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates. Whether you're an experienced bettor or a newcomer to the world of betting, with us, you can enjoy unforgettable experiences and possibly change your life for the better.

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Don't miss the opportunity to experience the real thrill and adrenaline rush of cricket betting! Even if you've never bet before, now is the time to try. It's simple, safe, and could become your new exciting hobby.

Special Offer for New Customers:
Register now and receive a bonus on your first deposit! Increase your chances of winning from the very beginning.

Contact us to learn more and place your first bet. This is your chance to experience new sensations and maybe hit the jackpot!

Best regards, https://1xbeticricetc1xbetti5.ru/

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